I'm happy to report it went close to perfect. I headed down early- around 5:30am, to get my packet and snuck in an extra hr nap in my car before warming up. Lesson of the day: warm up with enough time to make the decision of what clothes to leave in the car and not have to head straight to the start line. I took off my undershirt and raced with my jacket- mind you a cycling jacket that is tight like a jersey but warm as it's meant for riding in winter temps. Anyway, I zipped it down a bit but that was not much help.
The first 400-800m were the typical zig zag getting around people and settling in. I didn't line up at the way front as I wasn't expecting much speed today. Plus at my best/freshest day I can't hang with the elite runners.
The course was nothing spectacular. If you threw me down there from the sky I wouldn't have been able to distinguish these streets from those in Kansas. It was all pavement, some on a path along a creek or dam, and lots of out and backs. Elevation wise, it was flat with about 5-6 short/steep ascents like bridge passes.
We didn't really have wind either until about the 10k when the out and backs became a struggle-then-fly pattern.
For me this race was about execution- easing in, holding steady, and finishing strong/faster. That went great. I kept my HR in control the whole time, no eyes-out-of-sockets efforts, and pushed the last 5km. At about mile 7 or 8 my legs definitely let me know they were hurting. I could feel the effects of the week in new hilly terrain for sure :). But the lack of spark in the legs was part of the game plan for this race and am happy with the result. It wasn't chip timed so I dunno if my watch yielded a faster or slower finish time, but I clocked 1:33:03.
I left right after to stop by the Whole Foods in Tustin, only 10min north, and grab some groceries for dinner with the fam.
Tomorrow I'm heading to masters in the AM then doing an ez hr spin on the bike. It's gorgeous outside- summer temps all the way!! I have some Amy's pizza in the oven for Anne Marie and her friend and when they finish that we'll head over to the pool and I'll do some hot tub/cold shower deal ;)
Supposedly I was going to head down to San Diego for the SMU Cox Alumni reception that's from 5-7pm but I really really don't want to make the drive and I want to cook/eat the yummy salmon I bought. So I think that's going to be scratched off the list...we'll see.