Sunday, January 6, 2008

Yet another reason I dread winter, especially January

Since I can remember, every January I get sick- sometimes a simple 3-4 day cold which is uncomfortable but I can train through, others a miserable flu where I lay in bed and wish to sleep for eternity. Winter and I just don't mesh well. It got so bad when I was little that I finally got my tonsils removed at age 7.
After a pretty heavy training week last week, and then crazy jump in temperatures...from upper 20s for this Tuesday's race to 70s yesterday through body started to let me know it was not happy. Suddenly, in the middle of the afternoon yesterday my throat started hurting like hell! But since I didn't feel bad at all (no fever, cough, runny nose, chills, etc) I thought it may be allergies or just irritation from the weather.
Now I'm afraid it has happened once again- I'm sick in January. It sucks!! Now I'm sneezing after ignoring the bad throat pain all day. I took all the Vitamin C, Zinc, Echinacea, etc etc that I could these past 48 hours, but nothing seems to do the trick. I really don't like going to the doctor as I like to try everything homeopathic/natural before buying into doctors' prescriptions.
It wouldn't have been so bad to go through this week, as it has been mainly recovery, but next week is intense training again and a 5k race Saturday..GRRR!!! Hopefully it will go away soon.